Friday 20 January 2012

It is about your beautiful mind, Not your eyes.

We are great in our differences.

Style is what you are, not what you wear.

Life is shaped by sacrifices. You are not immortal.

Always Look beyond your feet.

Be yourself. Do it anywhere.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Keeping it cool . Really cool!!

Frosty grass island.

Frozen web.

Corbridge bridge arch.

Lone walker in the cold. Corbridge

.....and was really really cold.

Sunday 8 January 2012

..... Some people are!!!

Imagine going out for a nice afternoon walk and find.....

..... an empty wine bottle along you path. Last time I looked glass is not biodegradable.

..... and an old can of Carling lager and a bag full of s***t; not crisps.

Empty can of Coke.
But WORST OF ALL ......

This!...... A nappy thrown up the trees. Take your s***t home you lazy so and so.

And ..... what the heck!
What is the point of picking your dog SHIT if you are not going to dispose it properly.
Get some manners or let that dog walk YOU.

Friday 6 January 2012

Around the house snaps.

This old bottle of medicine was washed off the tyne river bank when the river swollen up. Don' know how old the bottle is but i can still smell Penicillin.

Thursday 5 January 2012

Conglese Protest in Newcastle

....that is the beauty of freedom. A right to protest; within the law.
One of the ladies blamed the woes in DRC on David Cameron and the BBC. Mmmmh!! Barking at the wrong tree, I think.
Africa need to take a hard look at itself. POWER GREEDY fat pigs are killing our countries .
Mwalimu Nyerere once said, ' It can be done if we all play our parts'. Properly and fairly.