Wednesday 28 September 2011

Tuesday 27 September 2011

The fire in the Sky.

Sometimes we all feel lost in the mist of confusion and dispair
Darkness is scary just because of the unseen stuff in it.
With a bit of courage and determination the unseen become the very obvious.
I received an inspiration from an unlikely source today.
As i was driving home from work, the sky was lit.
The fire is burning.
I feel warm.
Man, I am back.
I am back, I am back.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Something to do with urine.

Now, this notice say that ' You are not allowed to urinate here; the fine is Tsh 50,000/- Or Prison for 3 months.
It is your call.

Now, this is the best one. Cate hotels, you can visit them at their website, they say.
Well, the name of the website make me want to cross my legs. Catheter? No, thanks. My prostate is alright.

That Fruity Tunes

Apple tunes.

Apples seller

Pineapples or Mananasi or ananas or............ in ya lingo

Sunday 18 September 2011

Fun, Health and Charity at Great North Run 2011. Part 1

Wonderful day despite the weather .
Fabulous turn out , Fabulous costumes, fabulous all sort of people.
Great spirit.
Some of the people taking part will put most of us to shame.
Wonderful event.

Saturday 17 September 2011

Keep it wide open. I mean, your camera shutter.

Match Of The Day was not so exciting today. Arsenal 3- Blackburn 4. Arsenal defence was wide open. Lets hope the sunday games are better.
So, went to the garden, set camera to B mode and went in for a cup of coffee.
Voila! Try it.

Friday 16 September 2011

I Wish you a Toasty weekend.

Driving home from work i saw this beautiful clouds. So i stopped for a which digitalization of the moment. Click!

....and Click , again.

All over suddenly.........

It started to rain heavily. Really heavy, but .......

.... The bread have to be delivered.
No slowing down. Wooooosh!!!
Hope you have a Toasty Weekend.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Loving the weather. NOT!

Stuck in the car while it rained and rained. The plan was to heard to the lone ziz zag tree along Hadrians wall. Man, I love british summer.

A lucky break.
So I drove via Oakwood, near Hexham and the sun was out for about five minute. I stopped the car and take a few shots.
Heading home now, got some wasps to kill.

Monday 5 September 2011

Watzup! WASPZ .......go or die!

I had to take deadly measures to eliminate these nice but uninvited guests from my house.
They found their way into the house via the holes in the ventilation brick , then ate their way through the floorboard into one of my rooms. Yeah! All the way in.
I could not figure out where about they were getting into the house for a few days. Then, one of then stuk head out for a peep. BUSTED.
Sprayed the nasty wasp destroyer foam. Many died; few hundreds i think.
Today, i found two more having a last breath buzzzzzing. Damn! I hate killing insects, but this is really insane. They just wont leave us alone. Die die die , you little gitz!

Friday 2 September 2011

A wee Break in Durness, Scotland. The pix

In Durness

Sand dunes fun

More fun in the sand dunes

Sand, rocks, sea and more

Sango bay beach

sango bay beach. Fabulous

Rocky-sand beach

Pick your direction.

At Cocoa mountain. You get the best hot chocolate drink.

Smoo caves. It was fabulous. Worth the visit

Rainbow on the sea.

Can you see the LION face? I can, many people missthis when they walk here.

Luch time by the beach.